• We build everything we do on the foundation of kindness.

We believe treating people with empathy, dignity, and respect is essential to creating exceptional work over the long run. If the two ever conflict, we will side with treating people like humans.

• If we had to choose between being known for doing the best work in our field and being the best people in our field, we’d choose the second. Luckily, being better people creates better work.

We communicate with openness and vulnerability.

We believe in radical ownership and will take personal accountability when things don’t go as planned.

We are generous with our praise.

We share our knowledge freely. 

We will ask for help if we’re unclear, overwhelmed, or incapable for any reason.

If we don’t know, we’ll say so.

We don’t cast blame when something fails. Instead, we ask “why did this happen?” and “what can we do to ensure this doesn’t happen again?”

We give the benefit of the doubt.

We always answer emails to each other within a day, even if it’s just to say ‘got it’.

We pay invoices before they’re due.

We don’t miss deadlines.

We agree that all of our interactions are off the record, unless we agree otherwise.

We don’t use legalese, jargon, tricks or loopholes in our agreements. Instead, we’ll be as clear as we can and honour what we said, and expect that you’ll do the same.

We are intentional and specific about our work, and don’t do for the sake of doing. “Who is it for”, “what is it for?”, and “why are we doing it?” are the questions that guide our work. 

If it’s not working, we’ll say so, and do it with specificity and kindness.

• We are constantly learning and improving ourselves and the work we do.

We recognize that the work is important, but understand that the people involved in it are more important. 

We expect a lot from our clients and our team, but expect more from ourselves.

We charge a lot but expect to deliver more than we are paid for.

• We expect to fall short of these principals at times but we will always maintain them as our guide.

If we sound like your kinda people, we’d love to hear more about the change you’re trying to make in the world, and how we can help you achieve it through podcasting.

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