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Two Options When Your Podcast Isn’t Landing

by | Aug 13, 2020

I talk to a lot of podcasters who’ve been working on their shows for a long time and still aren’t seeing results.

In some cases, a lack of clarity or understanding of how to effectively market a podcast is at the root of the issue. But in others, they’ve literally tried everything and still aren’t moving the needle.

The fact of the matter is that there’s just not an audience for every show, no matter how highly produced and effectively marketed.

If you find yourself in this situation, you have two options.

The first is to find a different audience.

It’s entirely possible that you’ve been creating a great show but marketing it to an audience that could care less. In some cases, I’ve seen podcasters shift their audience targeting and find that the exact same show resonates more with an alternate audience.

The second option is to create a different show.

This could mean scrapping your current show entirely and starting from scratch, or it could mean reimagining — either drastically or incrementally — the content and format of your current show as you experiment your way to finding something that your audience will resonate with.

Knowing when to commit to either of these options is a difficult and emotional decision. Luckily, you can start by taking small steps and experimenting with both options.

Continue creating your show as normal but start putting some effort into tapping into alternative audiences on top of your current marketing and promotion.

Likewise, continue producing your show as you have been but add in some new formats as bonus episodes and see what kind of feedback you get.

Sometimes you can tweak your way to success, bit by bit, until over time, you’ve transformed your show entirely into something that lands with an audience.

Other times you simply need to tear off the bandaid and go in an entirely new direction.

It’s up to you to decide which option is best for you, but if your show isn’t working, you need to pick one.

Every Sunday I send out an exclusive article on how to use podcasting to build an audience and grow your business.

No opt-in, no freebie no bribe. But hopefully a new perspective, encouragement, and maybe even some occasional wisdom. It’s something I’m proud to create and I’d be honoured to share it with you.

Jeremy Enns
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